[Wikipedia-l] Suggestions #4

wojtek pobratyn wojtek.pobratyn at gmx.net
Mon Mar 4 11:34:06 UTC 2002

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tei" <421621 at ingta.unizar.es>
To: <wikipedia-l at nupedia.com>
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 12:28 PM
Subject: [Wikipedia-l] Suggestions #4

| // Suggestion #4:  Avatar Evil Suggestion 
|  I like the actual look & feel of Wikipedia. But.. Can be improved with
| icons views of data. You can visually pack more info with icons, helping
| people sorting and finding information.
|  Icons view of older versions of files. 
|  Icon for Talk
|  Icon for users edit this page ( with avatars? )
| I suggest this looks and feel:
|   - windows 95 big icons view
|   - winjabber buddylist view
|   - etc..

IMHO this would only increase the weight of the pages to be loaded and consume
valuable bandwith.

<wojtek at seti23.org.>
what burns twice as bright, burns half
as long, and you have burnt so very, 
very brightly roy.

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