[Wikipedia-l] country subpages

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Sun Feb 24 00:15:46 UTC 2002

Chuck Smith wrote:
> Why not simply:
> * Afghanistan history

One argument against that form of name is that it is harder to use as
a link from another page.  I can easily write:

    Charles Darwin was very interested
    in the [[history of Afghanistan]].

but it doesn't make good English to write:

    Charles Darwin was very interested
    in [[Afghanistan history]].
    in [[Egypt history]].
    in [[Sweden history]].

Afghanistani (?), Egyptian, and Swedish history would work, though.
As would Afghanistan's, Egypt's, and Sweden's history.  Then the
argument is that "History of Afghanistan" is already in majority.

  Lars Aronsson
  <lars at aronsson.se>
  tel +46-70-7891609
  http://aronsson.se/ http://elektrosmog.nu/ http://susning.nu/

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