[Wikipedia-l] Mh hammer |1.jpg

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Fri Aug 9 03:33:23 UTC 2002

Pierre Abbat wrote:
> The listing of this file has twice been removed from the votes for deletion,
> once by Andre Engels and once by Kaji, both with a note that they are
> removing from the list pages that have been removed from the server. The file
> still exists. The link doesn't work; it shows up as "1.jpg" and when you
> click on it it takes you to "Image:Mh hammer ", which doesn't exist. Should
> this be removed or not?

Oh... I get it now - somebody uploaded an image with the | character in
the title, so it's basically irremovable :(

There should be something to prevent this... if a filename contains
illegal characters it should tell you to rename it before uploading.


Karen AKA Kajikit

And on the seventh day, God said 'What my world needs is a creature that
will truly appreciate it in all its facets' - 
and so He made the kitten.

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