[Wikipedia-l] How idiot-proofed is the 'move' feature?

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Tue Aug 6 02:39:47 UTC 2002

lcrocker at nupedia.com wrote:
> >> Does it give you any warning if you try to replace a current
> >> page when you rename another one with the same title? Or does
> >> it just quietly overwrite it? If so, then it's a very dangerous
> >> feature to have available to the general public...
> Move is not destructive; it will fail with an error message if the
> destination page already exists or is an illegal title.  I also
> just fixed one remaining bug in the way it updated the link tables,
> so I don't see much reason to restrict it anymore.  It is, however,
> still a fairly drastic move since it changes a lot of stuff at once
> and creates links to redirects, so it should probably still be
> restricted to logged in users at least.

Okay... I wasn't sure about that, because after I renamed a particular
page I looked at the recent changes and it appeared as if somebody else
had already been working on the (so far as I could tell non-existent)
page... that's a relief. 


Karen AKA Kajikit

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will truly appreciate it in all its facets' - 
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