[Wikipedia-l] What a wiki table syntax needs to do to work with current table layouts

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Sat Aug 3 12:37:10 UTC 2002

koyaanisqatsi at nupedia.com wrote:
> I don't know CSS *at all*, and all this talk is well over my head.  I know HTML enough to make a table when need be, but if we have to change from HTML I would very much prefer we change to something I (and other people, who *don't* know HTML) can read.  In other words, something we in my high school physics class used to call "intuitively obvious."
> cheers,
> kq
> Jan wrote (in part):
> >It just doesn't feel very democratic to me
> >if you divide our contributers in those that know CSS and therefore can do
> >formatting and understand what the styles do, and those that don't. I admit
> >that the fact that I don't know CSS very well may play a part here, but it
> >also shows how high the threshold for doing formatting would become.

I know nothing about tables or syntax, and this whole discussion is
flying so far above my head that I'm basically ignoring it. But as the
bottom-end non-technological user, the basic proposal that was made to
start all this seems like the most usable. 

If you want to include fancy colours and styles, and you want the
average user to be able to use them in a standardised way, then you
really need to preset the tables (eg the taxonomy table that's being
added to each animal/plant entry). It doesn't matter WHAT the actual
coding is if the user can write [[table:taxonomy]] or [[table:elements]]
or [[table:other]] or whatever at the top of their data and have that
particular formatting applied to their basic table data. 

I liked the idea of using the dashes to deliniate cells and lines - it
makes something that is a lot more readable on the edit screen than an
html table... 


Karen AKA Kajikit

And on the seventh day, God said 'What my world needs is a creature that
will truly appreciate it in all its facets' - 
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