[Wikipedia-l] Wiki Table syntax already a feature request

tarquin tarquin at planetunreal.com
Thu Aug 1 22:48:28 UTC 2002

Daniel Mayer wrote:

>Here is the idea:
><wiki table, center, thin line>
>|{light blue} ^ '''Mailing label''' ^|/
>|Name:         |John Doe             |/
>|Address:      |2000 Main Street     |/
>| Postal Code: |123456               |/
></wiki table>
>The above wiki table seems a lot more intuitive to me
>than either the HTML table or the other wiki table
>syntax proposals. 
actually, that idea isn't very different to mine.
* different tokens -- but my tokens were just examples
* there's information about the row in the row -- mine had all 
formatting info contained in the head

I think they're minor differences

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