[Wikipedia-l] Missed searches ?

Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz kpjas at ceti.pl
Thu Jun 14 10:21:07 UTC 2001

Hello Wikipedians,

Do we have a list of all missed searches ordered by number top-down
somewhere ?
If not - there should be one. In this way we could see what the users

BTW What do you think about user's perpective of Wikipedia ?
Now we look at it as authors. Do we have users comments ? Do we need polls
about Wikipedia development (for authors) and Wikipedia quality (for users)

Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz, M.D | Dzięki szatańskiej pysze jednych nie słucham,
Czestochowa, Poland ...       | drugich nie słyszę. Jan Sztaudynger  
Więcej cytatów : http://www.cytaty.phg.pl

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