[Wikipedia-l] Wikipedia teamwork

Larry Olin Horn hornlo at lohnet.org
Wed Aug 15 21:32:16 UTC 2001

> This is NOT going to take anyone more than maybe an hour to do.  It 

Alert: this is meant somewhat tongue-in-cheek....

This is one of those "code phrases" that immediately puts any programmer / 
sysadmin / manager on the defensive, regardless of its truth or the current 

I worked in a college computing services area (typically underfunded and 
understaffed) for years, and the line of faculty, staff, and students who 
each wanted their "only a few minutes to do" project handed "right now" 
would like like the infinite regression of images in two facing mirrors.  

This is *not* an argument for procrastination or other delay -- I have no 
idea what Jason's work load is -- this is just a sympathizing note for him 


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