[Wikimedia ZA] Translation of content into South African languages

Dwayne Bailey dwayne at translate.org.za
Fri Sep 10 09:03:34 UTC 2010

Hi Guys,

I've enjoyed following the discussion around WMZA.

I wanted to throw my 2c into the mix and talk about translation of
content, as opposed to creation.  Last time I raised this with Wikimedia
(years ago actually) there was a real push back.  Since then South
African languages have... not happened.  And Google + WM do translation
of WP pages, go figure.

I saw some mention of translation from the notes about the first
meeting.  I'd really like to see translation as an angle of attack to
help catalyse WP pages on ZA languages and get them to a critical mass.

We also host Pootle a translation platform that I'd like to see being
used to do Wikipedia page translations.  Especially if we are able to
select a set of pages that we want all ZA wikipedia's to contain, this
might be driven my the needs within the South African curriculum or
simply to ensure that the pages about our history are well covered.

What do you guys think about this?

Dwayne Bailey
Associate             Research Director        +27 12 460 1095 (w)
Translate.org.za      ANLoc                    +27 83 443 7114 (c)

Recent blog posts:
* Localizing Mac OS X strings files using open source PO editors
* What's new in Virtaal 0.6.1
* Localisation: How we guess the target translation language in Virtaal

Firefox web browser in Afrikaans - http://af.www.mozilla.com/af/
African Network for Localisation (ANLoc) - http://africanlocalisation.net/

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