No subject

Tue Mar 15 17:42:23 UTC 2011

el that I need to highlight some of these flashbacks so that we (or at leas=
t I) can realize and appreciate where we've come from.
I would like to congratulate you all for the success of this project=2C and=
 most importantly=2C I would like to congratulate on-the-ground team member=
s who sacrificed their time off work=2C off internships and off university =
and went to these schools in order to ensure that students in Nyeri=2C Kaka=
mega and Mombasa could have free access to Wikipedia.
I would also like to send my condolences to those who couldn't make it like=
 Samson Maosa. I extend my condolences to the Nyeri team whose laptops were=
But=2C as David hinted in his most recent email=2C this is not the end. Thi=
s was just a pilot. For those of you who were with me since the start of th=
is project=2C you might remember that we had a list of 10 regions. So we st=
ill have a lot of work ahead of us. And I think that we all agree that we n=
eed to design an offline version of Wikipedia that is custom-made for Kenya=
n students. I therefore hope that this project will not end here.
FYI- One of the Foundation's strategic priorities lies in investing in mobi=
le Wikipedia and offline products. Speaking of offline products=2C has anyo=
ne of you ever heard of WikiReader? It's a device that you could use to acc=
ess Wikipedia without internet connectivity and which you could update newe=
r articles whenever you connect it to the internet. It goes for just $100 o=
n Amazon. Just thought I'd let you know of this incredible device.
BTW -- this might be slightly off-topic=2C but I'd thought that I'd let you=
 know that I was informed that we arguably have the most multi-national cha=
pter mailing list in the Wikimedia community!!!
Warm regards=2C

Abbas Mahmood
t | +254722215101
f |
s | abbasjnr
Wikimedia Kenya Member
"Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free a=
ccess to the sum of all human knowledge. That's our commitment."
Please donate:


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Hello=2C<div><br></div><div>When I proposed this project=2C I couldn't imag=
ine it would be a success. I was just checking the archives=2C and I rememb=
er that=2C back in late 2010 i called for a meetup so as to suggest this pr=
oject but we had to cancel it due to lack of quorum. But then=2C somehow=2C=
 the disillusionment faded and people became more and more enthusiastic in =
participating in this project.&nbsp=3B</div><div><br></div><div>i also reme=
mber back then when we were only four of us (Oscar=2C Oliver=2C Dennis and =
myself) at our first meetup at Java -- and we wanted to start up a chapter.=
 From the four initial members=2C we have grown exponentially within 6 mont=
hs to around 50 members on this list. I am really proud of us! Really!</div=
><div><br></div><div>From a boys' only team to almost a 75%:25% male:female=
 chapter. I really feel that I need to highlight some of these flashbacks s=
o that we (or at least I) can realize and appreciate where we've come from.=
</div><div><br></div><div>I would like to congratulate you all for the succ=
ess of this project=2C and most importantly=2C I would like to congratulate=
 on-the-ground team members who sacrificed their time off work=2C off inter=
nships and off university and went to these schools in order to ensure that=
 students in Nyeri=2C Kakamega and Mombasa could have free access to Wikipe=
dia.</div><div><br></div><div>I would also like to send my condolences to t=
hose who couldn't make it like Samson Maosa. I extend my condolences to the=
 Nyeri team whose laptops were virus-infected.</div><div><br></div><div>But=
=2C as David hinted in his most recent email=2C this is not the end. This w=
as just a pilot. For those of you who were with me since the start of this =
project=2C you might remember that we had a list of 10 regions. So we still=
 have a lot of work ahead of us. And I think that we all agree that we need=
 to design an offline version of Wikipedia that is custom-made for Kenyan s=
tudents. I therefore hope that this project will not end here.</div><div><b=
r></div><div>FYI- One of the Foundation's strategic priorities lies in inve=
sting in mobile Wikipedia and offline products. Speaking of offline product=
s=2C has anyone of you ever heard of WikiReader? It's a device that you cou=
ld use to access Wikipedia without internet connectivity and which you coul=
d update newer articles whenever you connect it to the internet. It goes fo=
r just $100 on Amazon. Just thought I'd let you know of this incredible dev=
ice.</div><div><br></div><div>BTW -- this might be slightly off-topic=2C bu=
t I'd thought that I'd let you know that I was informed that we arguably ha=
ve the <i>most multi-national chapter mailing list</i> in the Wikimedia com=
munity!!!</div><div><br></div><div>Warm regards=2C</div><div><div></div>
<div>Abbas Mahmood</div>
<div>t | +254722215101</div>
<div>f | <a target=3D"_blank"></a></div>
<div>s | abbasjnr</div>
<div>Wikimedia Kenya Member</div>
<div>"<em>Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is giv=
en free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's our commitment."</=
<div>Please donate: <a href=3D"
ow/en" target=3D"_blank"><=
/a></div><br><br></div> 		 	   		  </body>


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