[Wikimedia Kenya] Wikip/media Student/Campus Clubs

stephen wanjau wanjaustev at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 17:00:23 UTC 2011


Ningependa kuwa arifu kwamba nishamaliza kunakili Ile faili ya wikipedia
swahili.zim kutoka kwenye mtandao.

Faili hii ina uzito wa 320 kwenye kipimo cha megabiti ama MB ukipenda.

Ningeomba yeyote yule anaye elewa ama mwenye kijitabu kinachoeleza  matumizi
ya nakala hii anitumie kwenye barua pepe.

Mimi wenu.

stephen w. wanjau
Phone: +254 771 557 857
B.Sc statistics and computer science.

On Apr 28, 2011 7:12 PM, "Oliver Stegen" <oliver_stegen at sil.org> wrote:
> Maybe you want to find out from Maria Alphonse @Dar how they're running
> their wikipedia student club. Muddyb tells me it's been running since last
> year.
> _____
> From: wikimediake-bounces at lists.wikimedia.org
> [mailto:wikimediake-bounces at lists.wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of Limoke Oscar
> Sent: 28 April 2011 13:04
> To: The discussion list for the upcoming Wikimedia Kenya chapter.
> Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Kenya] Wikip/media Student/Campus Clubs
> My Idea was since most of our campuses have "free" WiFi connection,we
> find a few interested students and share with them the editing in
> Wikipedia.I am not for the creation of Clubs,just some form of informal
> association where we can get guys together and do staff together...or get
> ourselves together from the same campus and do editing together.:P
> Although I totally agree with your "code 254 theory".
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