[Wikimedia Kenya] Survey

lilian nyarera lireshi at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 21 12:33:57 UTC 2011

You all have a fantastic EASTER holiday:-)!

On Thu Apr 21st, 2011 5:15 AM PDT Chris Riwa wrote:

>in any our daily endeavors, it is quite normal to face criticism. However,
>the criticism is quite healthy since it helps us discover our weaknesses. My
>point - all this is quite normal and healthy and what really matters at this
>point is how we are going to solve the situation at hand. So, Abbas man-up
>and get this ball rolling your the one in charge. To the rest of us, the
>survey is the best way at the moment to try and get to know your opinions
>about the sensitive issues quickly and effectively. So lets get to business
>and fill the questionnaire before our next meet-up so that we can have the
>most contagious issues first on our agenda.
>Regarding the 'name thing',it really doesn't matter whether you put it or
>not. For those who don't feel like putting it you can as well write
>"Anonymous." However, it is important for you guys to be as sincere as
>possible when giving your opinions and answers as this is the current tool
>put in place to collect all your opinions before we can all decide on the
>best way forward. However, let us all maintain respect and integrity when
>expressing ourselves. Thank you all and lets move forward for we all belong
>to Wikimedia Kenya.
>PS Maosa: When conducting a survey, the researcher can't avoid knowing a
>little bit more regarding their respondents. however, it is their
>responsibility to ensure such information is not leaked out to the general
>public or any other party after the survey is done. So at this case, the one
>in charge (Researcher) can know the names but has to keep it a secret to
>him/herself. Looking forward to get some really response from this survey.

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