[Wikimediaindia-l] BECOME AN AUTHOR: O.B.Publication's Invitation

Dr. Krishna N. Sharma (PT) dr.krisharma at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 08:24:01 UTC 2011

         I am happy to inform you that the *O.B.
Publication*<http://www.onlinebooks.shop.ms/>is inviting you to write
a free chapter, article, poem etc
* *in the upcoming books on* Medical Science
Therapy/Naturopathy/Nursing/Alternative medicines etc*), *Engineering*, *
Literature* etc. voluntarily. But at the same time we want to inform you
that since this is just to give a platform to new authors and the authors
who are interested to contribute their effort to the world of knowledge,
you'll not get any payment/ royalty/ complimentary copy (you can purchase
the book if you want) in return, but you name will be printed in the
contributor's list in this ISBN registered book.
       Kindly inform us (*mail to dr.krisharma at gmail.com* and *fill the form
*Become an Author*' on our website http://www.onlinebooks.shop.ms) if you
want to write and are agree to these terms and conditions. Do not hesitate
to call for any other query.

Dr.Krishna N. Sharma
Web: http://www.onlinebooks.shop.ms
Mail: dr.krisharma at gmail.com
Cont: +91-9320699167
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