[Wikimedia Brasil] Sobre o encontro em SP

Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka em gmail.com
Sexta Outubro 7 19:04:28 UTC 2011

Dear Jessie,

I am sorry to write the group in Portuguese. You will have some difficulties
to understand my emails with Google Translator because I use slangs,
idiomatic expressions and jokes... :P

Believe me, some times it translates "caro mio" ("my dear", in Italian) as
"expensive mine", lol! ;D

My last messages were directed *just to the brazilian members*. I was being
a little bit rigorous and critic with *them*. Don't worry about it, please.
Forget it and try to relax.

I will be there at 8:30, AM, and I will need to help some friends with an
arduino <http://www.arduino.cc/> workshop, but your meeting is my priority.
I will try to help this group too! ;)

Don't worry about the streaming. I will learn how to do it tonight, lol! ;D

Well, tomorrow I will need to install a webcam software in your Mac to
realize the transmission. May I, please? After the meeting, you can
uninstall it.

Smacks!!! Don't worry about crazy brazilians... :-)


PS: - My spoken English is worst than my written English... You will cry! :(
"Discordo daquilo que dizes, mas defenderei até a morte o teu direito de o
dizeres". - Voltaire

Em 7 de outubro de 2011 15:14, Jessie Wild <jwild em wikimedia.org> escreveu:

> Hello, everyone!
> I am so sorry for the delay in response to this; I have been en-route to
> Rio, and now am sitting at UNIRIO helping in the wonderful session organized
> by Juliana.
> Anyway: again, forgive me. It takes me quite awhile to sift through all
> these emails and put them into Google Translate, and actually try to
> comprehend what is happening in them! CasteloBranco emailed me directly
> which helped a lot.
> As he said: yes! I have a Mac! But I will say, it has very limited battery
> life, so I just need to ensure I have an outlet :)
> As for the live videostreaming, here are a few options, none of which I
> have used before:
> http://www.ustream.tv/
> http://www.livestream.com/
> http://www.justin.tv/
> Also, I think you can do this on Youtube too? Does anyone know about these
> options?
> Ceci: Thank you *SO* much for your help! Truly, this has been invaluable.
> Except I am confused about something: did you say you are not able to join
> us tomorrow? I was really hoping to meet you!
> - Jessie
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