[Wikimediaau-l] Membership, regional participation and other things

Stephen Bain stephen.bain at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 02:09:00 UTC 2009

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 2:45 AM, Andrew <orderinchaos78 at gmail.com> wrote:
> This assumes that meetups will fix the perception problem. I don't think it
> will - they're good for social purposes but not much else.
> I work in education and I know that allowing people to own their successes
> increases their willingness to try more and stick around, and gives us
> valuable selling points to encourage sceptical locals.

But who is out there, and what sort of successes would they like to
own? And what methods would be better than meetups for establishing a
core of regular participants?

Stephen Bain
stephen.bain at gmail.com

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