[Wikimediaau-l] Australian Internet Censorship Forum

Liam Wyatt liamwyatt at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 23:25:06 UTC 2008

Hi all,

Today I'm attending the UNSW Cyberspace Law Centre's forum on  
"Internet filtering and censorship proposals". The day has just  
begun, the first speaker is currently being introduced.

Is there anything that you would like to know or are there any  
specific questions you would like me to ask on behalf of yourself or  
on behalf of WM-AU. On my registration I am representing WM-Au here.

Here is the schedule:

You might notice that one of the speakers is Colin Jacobs from  
Electronic Frontiers Australia whom we interviewed in the current  
episode of WikipediaWeekly. Also here, liveblogging, is Stilgherrian:  
http://stilgherrian.com/politics/internet-censorship-forum/ follow  
along there too if you'd like.

[[witty lama]]

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