[Wikimediaau-l] ajax on wiki

Akash Mehta draicone at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 10:15:44 UTC 2006

I think its important to remember that not everyone will have javascript
enabled and the point of the projects was to collect knowledge and make it
accessible, with nothing about fancy web 2.0 features. Of course, if that's
the direction we're heading in, jQuery (jquery.com) with interface elements
is much more efficient and powerful than dojo, and script.aculo.us isn't
doing too badly either.

On 11/14/06, Janet Hawtin <lucychili at gmail.com> wrote:
> If there is a talk by IBM on ajax or web 2 in your area it is interesting.
> The key project was a wiki with overlaid media
> http://dojotoolkit.org/developers/
> googlemaps with overlaid realestate or weather streaming data or
> tables and charts. Drag and drop modules.
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