[Wikimedia-l] Fwd: [WikiEN-l] access to journals

Andrea Zanni zanni.andrea84 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 24 12:48:57 UTC 2013

It's probably worth mentioning (again) that
we started a brand new wikimedia mailing list about Open Access:

If you are interested in the topic of access to scientific/academic
literature, you should be there.
Getting access to "closed" journals is definetely something that we like
and must pursue,
but changing the very system of is more important.
We shouldn't have this issue at all :-)


On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Tom Morris <tom at tommorris.org> wrote:

> If you've gone to university, it's well worth looking to see if your
> university provide alumni access.
> My university, the University of London, provide alumni access to the
> library for £220 a year, which includes an eight book borrowing limit, full
> JSTOR access (which doesn't have the limitation that JPASS has), Oxford DNB
> access and some other online resources.
> Some universities also charge the even better price of nothing.
> I've put up a page in project space on English Wikipedia so we can
> document which institutions provide access:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:JSTOR/Alumni_access
> --
> Tom Morris
> http://tommorris.org/
> On 24 September 2013 at 12:56:18, David Gerard (dgerard at gmail.com) wrote:
> fyi
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Kathleen McCook <klmccook at gmail.com>
> Date: 24 September 2013 12:25
> Subject: [WikiEN-l] access to journals
> To: English Wikipedia <wikien-l at lists.wikimedia.org>
> In an effort to enhance access options for people who aren’t
> affiliated with universities, colleges, or high schools,
> not-for-profit digital library JSTOR has launched JPASS, a new program
> offering individual users access to 1,500 journals from JSTOR’s
> archive collection. The move follows the March 2012 launch of JSTOR’s
> Register & Readprogram, which allowed independent researchers to
> register for a free MyJSTOR account, and receive free, online-only
> access to three full-text articles every 14 days. That service has
> since attracted almost one million users including independent
> scholars, writers, business people, adjunct faculty, and others, and
> JSTOR plans to continue offering the service in its current form.
> However, in a recent survey, many of Register & Read users expressed
> interest in an individual subscription model that would offer enhanced
> access, encouraging JSTOR to move ahead with JPASS.
> http://www.thedigitalshift.com/2013/09/digital-libraries/jstor-launches-jpass-access-accounts-for-individual-researchers/
> JSTOR Launches JPASS Access Accounts for Individual Researchers
> [Library Journal]
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