[Wikimedia-l] FDC annual plan grant eligibility status announced

Garfield Byrd gbyrd at wikimedia.org
Mon Sep 16 23:51:31 UTC 2013

Dear Wikimedia Community,

As you may know, the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes
recommendations to the WMF Board of Trustees on how to allocate movement
funds to best meet Wikimedia goals and strategic priorities. [1]

On 15 July 2013, the 17 entities that submitted letters of intent for
2013-2014 Round 1 were categorized in the 'Yes', 'Yes, If',  and 'No'
categories based the eligibility criteria. [2] Between 15 July and 15
September, my team and FDC staff worked with each entity in the ‘Yes, If’
category to provide the information needed to address any current or
potential eligibility gaps by 15 September, which was the last day for
entities to close any outstanding eligibility gaps in order to be
considered eligible for 2013-2014 Round 1. We hosted two office hours to
answer questions and provide clarity about the eligibility process.  [3]

Today, we confirm the eligibility status of the 17 entities that submitted
letters of intent for 2013-2014 Round 1 of the FDC process. 15 entities are
eligible to submit proposals to the FDC for 2013-2014 Round 1: Amical
Wikimedia, Wikimedia Argentina, Wikimedia Australia, Wikimedia CH,
Wikimedia Deutschland,  Wikimedia India, Wikimedia Israel, Wikimedia
Nederland, Wikimedia Österreich, Wikimedia Magyarország, Wikimedia
Philippines, Wikimedia Serbia, Wikimedia Sverige, Wikimedia Ukraine and
Wikimedia UK.[4]  Entities not confirmed as eligible (entities listed in
the ‘No’ category of the Eligibility Status Table) may still be able to
request funding from WMF’s Project and Event grants program if they meet
that program’s eligibility requirements, and are encouraged to contact
grants at wikimedia.org with questions about requesting funding through that
program. [5]

Note carefully that all eligible entities must continue to comply with any
agreements with WMF and meet all requirements listed in column (T) of the
eligibility checklist in order to maintain eligibility, even once an
entity’s eligibility status is confirmed as "Yes.”[6] Note also that the
requirements listed in column (T) of the eligibility checklist may change
for each entity, especially as entities are awarded new grants or as
deadlines for annual reports or financial reports required by each entity’s
chapter agreement or thematic organization agreement approach. All entities
submitting proposals to the FDC are required to maintain eligibility
throughout the duration of the proposal process until and after funds are
sent. If an entity becomes ineligible before a decision to send funds is
made, that entity will not be considered for funding. If an entity becomes
ineligible after a decision is made, funds may be withheld.

Entities may contact FDC staff with questions about their eligibility
status for any round by writing to FDCsupport at wikimedia.org or by writing
to me directly.


Proposals for annual plan grants must be submitted by 1 October 2013 via
the FDC portal [7] in order to be considered for funding. See more details
on the timeline here: [8]  FDC staff will host two IRC office hours to
answer questions about the proposal process. [9] These meetings will happen
on Wednesday, September 18 at 16:00 UTC and on Friday September 20 at 00:00
UTC. Please feel free to submit questions in advance, or to contact FDC
staff with any questions about the proposal process at any time by writing
to FDCsupport at wikimedia.org.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions, clarifications or
concerns about the eligibility process, or suggestions for improvement.

Best regards,

Garfield Byrd

Chief of Finance and Administration

Wikimedia Foundation


[2] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/FDC_portal/Eligibility_criteria

[3] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IRC_office_hours#2013]


[5] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Index


[7] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/FDC_portal

[8] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/FDC_portal/Proposal_process

[9] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IRC_office_hours#Upcoming_office_hours


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