[Wikimedia-l] September 11 wiki

Srikanth Ramakrishnan srik.ramk at wikimedia.in
Thu Nov 21 07:22:23 UTC 2013

Personally I think it is unfair for one incident ti have a wiki and not
others. It will someday open a huge Pandora's box.

Sent from the touchscreen equivalent of a Nokia 1100, pardon the sender.
Srikanth Ramakrishnan,
On Nov 21, 2013 6:08 AM, "MZMcBride" <z at mzmcbride.com> wrote:

> Tim Starling wrote:
> >https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Sep11wiki
> >
> >I think it's disrespectful to solicit contributions towards a memorial
> >website, and then to fail to maintain that memorial website in a
> >searchable format.
> I think there's general agreement that setting up this wiki was a mistake.
> This isn't said out of callousness or indifference, it's just the
> historical reality. Wikipedia was only eight months old when these attacks
> took place. No subsequent major world event (e.g., the 2004 Indian Ocean
> earthquake and tsunami) has had its own Wikimedia memorial wiki
> established and it's very unlikely that we would ever set up another.
> >The data is still on our servers. I propose bringing the wiki back up,
> >in read only mode, and leaving it like that either until such time as
> >there is interest from a non-profit or government organisation in
> >taking over the responsibility of indefinite hosting.
> We provide a dump of the September 11 wiki's contents here:
> <http://dumps.wikimedia.org/backups-of-old-wikis.html>. Memorial sites,
> while depressing and touching, are completely outside the scope of
> Wikimedia's mission. I don't believe Wikimedia has an obligation, moral
> or otherwise, to host this content in an Internet searchable format in
> perpetuity. Anyone, including non-profits and government organizations,
> can use the dump we provide as they see fit. Deciding to host this site
> again would be a mistake and one that we happen to have already made once.
> MZMcBride
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