[Wikimedia-l] Go away, community (from WMF wiki at least)

Jacob Orlowitz jorlowitz at gmail.com
Sat May 11 19:18:22 UTC 2013

I just want to highlight Nathan's excellent and reasonable point:

The WMF could work on: "manag[ing] the implementation of a change that
affects dedicated volunteers. An advanced notice, an explanation, a thank
you, an expression of hope that volunteers will continue to help. That's all
it would have taken to preserve this as what it ought to have been, a

There's a lot of adversarial dynamics between the Foundation and the
Community.  A little bit of courtesy and civility and thoughtfulness would
go a long way towards avoiding antagonism.

Wikipedians are mission-driven and autonomy-craving.  Work with us on that,
respect it, use it to your advantage.

There are pain points in transition, some of them unavoidable, but WMF
should still seek to minimize harm and improve mutual understanding at each
step.  Otherwise, we get situations that take far more energy than a simple
explanation and expression of appreciation from the outset would have taken.

To paraphrase one of my favorite quotes: "It takes less *time *to *do* a
thing *right*, than it does to explain why you did it *wrong."  Easier said
than done, but a worthy goal nonetheless.*

Jake (Ocaasi)

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