[Wikimedia-l] Will Beback, Arbcom and Community oversight

Risker risker.wp at gmail.com
Sun Mar 24 01:27:22 UTC 2013

On 23 March 2013 21:21, Tomasz W. Kozłowski <odder.wiki at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 24 March 2013 02:19, Risker wrote:
> > James, can you please explain why you have decided this is a
> Wikimedia-wide
> > issue (and thus posted to this list), while not bothering to notify the
> > Committee whose decision you are questioning that you are doing so?
> Since when does discussing the Arbitration Committee at a mailing list
> require their permission? I think I might have missed something…

It does not require permission.  However, the English Wikipedia community
has a longstanding process for appealing decisions of the Arbitration
Committee. It would also be common courtesy to do so.  As it is, James has
made a very good show of trying to insinuate that Will Beback was banned in
relation to conflict of interest.  He was not banned for that reason; he
was banned for persistent violations of the No Personal Attacks policy, the
outing and harassment policies and for exhibiting battleground behaviour.

I cannot speak to what comparable policies exist on other projects.



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