[Wikimedia-l] Students for Free Culture annual conference

Everton Zanella Alvarenga everton.alvarenga at okfn.org
Thu Mar 7 03:04:30 UTC 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Students for Free Culture <webleader+rss-bot at freeculture.org>
Date: 2013/3/5
Subject: [FC-discuss] Register for FCX2013!
To: discuss at freeculture.org

Students for Free Culture will be having its annual conference at [New
York Law School][1] on April 20-21st!

The Students for Free Culture Conference is an annual gathering of
student and non-student activists, thinkers, and innovators who are
dedicated to advancing discussions on technology, law, and public
policy. Through panels and keynote speakers, FCX 2013 will focus on
current issues in intellectual property law, open access to educational
resources, maker culture, and technology policy. Through workshops, the
conference will revisit the core pillars of the free culture movement,
examine the success stories from our movement, and identify new ways in
which Students for Free Culture can advocate for a more free, open, and
participatory digital environment.

For more information about the conference, visit the conference

Registration is [open][3]!

Through the generosity of our sponsors, [Students for Free Culture][4]
is once again able to offset student travel costs for this year’s
conference in NYC. Our first priority is to provide funding to at least
one student from every active chapter in the organization – but funding
is available to _all_ student activists and leaders who would like to
attend FCX2013.

If you can’t afford the cost of traveling to NYC next month, please do
not hesitate to fill out this [form to request travel funding][5]. We
have some money and we want to give it to you.

If you have friends at schools that do not currently have an active SFC
chapter but you think they should be at the conference, please pass
along [this link][5] to them, too. Sometimes attending the conference is
just the spark that someone needs to get out there and start a new
chapter on their campus!

   [1]: https://www.google.com/maps?q=new+york+law+school&hl=en&sll=40.6

   [2]: http://freeculture.org/feed/fcx2013.org

   [3]: http://fcx2013.eventbrite.com

   [4]: http://freeculture.org/

   [5]: http://bit.ly/fcx2013_travelfunding

URL: http://freeculture.org/blog/2013/03/06/register-for-fcx2013/
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Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
OKFN Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre

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