[Wikimedia-l] compromise?

Oliver Keyes okeyes at wikimedia.org
Wed Jan 2 21:42:00 UTC 2013

On 2 January 2013 19:25, cyrano <cyrano.fawkes at gmail.com> wrote:

> Le 29/12/2012 22:14, Leslie Carr a écrit :
>> On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 5:09 PM, cyrano <cyrano.fawkes at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Le 29/12/2012 17:01, Leslie Carr a écrit :
>>>   I knew that I wouldn't be getting
>>> bonuses, stock options, massages, breakfast, lunch, dinner, baristas,
>>> onsite personal trainers, onsite physical therapists, haircuts,
>>> dentists, business class everywhere (that might have been the hardest
>>> thing to give up!), nutritionists, aeron chairs, dry cleaning,
>>> laundry, and all that.  And you know what -- if I did get those
>>> things, I have a feeling that it wouldn't look too good to our donors,
>>> and we'd be having the exact opposite discussion.  Plus, I can make my
>>> own coffee.
>>  You're comparing your standard of living with extreme ways of life, and
> you reach the conclusion that yours is moderate. However, if you compare
> with the rest of mankind, you're still getting things that 99% of them
> don't get.
> I think that's probably true, but the fact of the matter is that Leslie is
not saying "here is an extremity, I get less" - she's saying "here is an
extremity that is Standard Operating Procedure at
Facebook/Google/Twitter//insertyourorgofchoice, where almost any of us
could get a job...I get less". In the context of a conversation comparing
WMF benefits with those of similar orgs in the Bay Area that makes total
sense as a statement. I would agree that it is better than 99 percent of
humanity, but I'm not sure who *dis*agrees with that statement: you appear
to be arguing against a position that hasn't been made.

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Oliver Keyes
Community Liaison, Product Development
Wikimedia Foundation

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