[Wikimedia-l] Info: Election for WCA Chairperson

Ziko van Dijk vandijk at wmnederland.nl
Mon Feb 25 16:07:02 UTC 2013

2013/2/25 Nathan <nawrich at gmail.com>:
> That's one way of looking at it. Another is that the WCA is an
> activity chapters can choose to participate in, or choose not to. To
> the extent the WCA intends to "represent" its members, that
> representation should be restricted to those chapters which have
> specifically opted-in. I don't think an opt-out approach to membership
> is ideal, at least for now.

That's it, indeed. The membership is absolutely open for all approved
chapters, the application process for the WCA is very easy: Send a
message from the chapter board that a) "we want to join", b) "we know
that the Charter is the organizational basis" and c) "This is our
appointed Council Member". After Washington, I have written to the
mailinglists and also individually to all chapters which didn't join
already. Many did not even answer.
So, allegations that the WCA is "exclusive" have no ground.
Kind regards

Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland
dr. Ziko van Dijk, voorzitter

Wikimedia Nederland
Postbus 167
3500 AD Utrecht

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