[Wikimedia-l] Info: Election for WCA Chairperson

Fae faewik at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 10:01:56 UTC 2013

On 25 February 2013 09:40, James Alexander <jamesofur at gmail.com> wrote:
> Err .... ok, I'm sorry but this actually moves to the realms of scary. You
> require the new Council member to send in a statement ... pledging loyalty
> essentially? I don't see anything in the charter that would require
> something like that, is it in your remit as chair? Sadly that just sounds
> like a way to force out reformers, if you don't support the charter you
> can't join the council? How do you expect to get things to change when
> necessary?

The charter is very basic. If you want to turn the organization upside
down, throw away the charter or sack the Chair, it's very easy, you
just put forward a resolution. The wording on
:"Declare that your chapter, and the appointed Council Member, respect
the WCA Charter."

If you fundamentally disagree with the existence of the WCA, then it
would be odd to join it. I believe it is entirely possible to join the
WCA with the ambition of changing it, in fact I would love for more
Council members to join with reformation agendas as it would bring
plenty of energy into discussions.

As for scary, well, I can't comment, many folks seem to find me scary
which puzzles me immensely.

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae) faewik at gmail.com
Chapters Association Council Chair http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WCA
Guide to email tags: http://j.mp/mfae

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