[Wikimedia-l] Proposal - Training for Wikimedia movement boards

Ilario Valdelli valdelli at gmail.com
Tue Aug 13 14:48:09 UTC 2013

In my opinion the real problem is that the volunteers have no time to offer
being board members.

Anyway people can be trained to manage a NGO or to be board members, there
are some university masters to train NGOs managers.


On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 4:39 PM, Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemowiki at gmail.com>wrote:

> David Gerard, 13/08/2013 15:47:
>  Excellent and well done!
>> It's pretty much standard in small charities that board members start
>> off as enthusiasts on the topic, but who have *no idea* how to be a
>> board member of a nonprofit. (Been there, done that, beg off all
>> opportunities these days.) This is not good. Training people for the
>> role is a *marvellous* idea.
> True. Even worse, many do not even try to be board members (or active
> chapter members, for that matter) because they (think they) don't have
> enough experience. It's crucial to ensure the availability of growing paths
> (usually informal) for volunteers or you lose them and they lose
> opportunities.
> For me, it's been crucial to be told by a prof. "you can learn the job of
> a [university] board member in 6 months" (so it's inexcusable if you don't,
> but you must try). He was right.
> Nemo
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Ilario Valdelli
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