[Wikimedia-l] Proposal to use the internal wiki more

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki at gmail.com
Wed Apr 3 11:27:11 UTC 2013

Thomas Dalton, 03/04/2013 13:12:
> On Apr 3, 2013 12:07 PM, "Federico Leva (Nemo)" <nemowiki at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Second technical note: a merge from a private wiki to another is very
> simple, because you don't have to check for confidentiality
> That's not true. Just because it is private doesn't mean it is restricted
> to the same people.
> Things on a private wiki shouldn't be shared more widely without
> consultation than the people that posted them could have reasonably
> expected when they posted them.

May be, or may be not. (Members of internalwiki change constantly, so 
e.g. there's no way I could know who has had access to what I wrote 
there 5 years ago. I don't remember being consulted about every new user 
created there after I got myself removed.)
At any rate, if you're moving content to another restricted wiki with 
trusted members, you don't have to worry about private stuff being 
published by mistake forever: if a mistake happens, you just have to 
delete it. Finally, namespaces can take care of ensuring that stuff 
keeps being restricted to the same groups as usual, if really needed.


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