[Foundation-l] [WikiEN-l] Stopping the presses:, Britannica to stop printing books

geni geniice at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 08:07:13 UTC 2012

On 14 March 2012 16:34, Robin McCain <robin at slmr.com> wrote:
> I find it bizarre that inclusion of information of local importance is
> encouraged in the internationalized local language wikipediae but
> discouraged in the U.S. English wikipedia.  So events of local interest in a
> town in Romania are desirable but the same cannot be said of a similar event
> in San Jose, California.

Local events in western countries are pretty easy to cover within
wikipedia's rules. A mix of local news and the local history mob
usually sees that there are plenty of sources.

On the other hand writing about Odek (Joseph Kony's home village) is
pretty much impossible.


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