[Foundation-l] [WikiEN-l] Stopping the presses:, Britannica to stop printing books

Samuel Klein meta.sj at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 07:06:50 UTC 2012

On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Robin McCain <robin at slmr.com> wrote:
> I find it bizarre that inclusion of information of local importance is
> encouraged in the internationalized local language wikipediae but
> discouraged in the U.S. English wikipedia.  So events of local interest in a
> town in Romania are desirable but the same cannot be said of a similar event
> in San Jose, California.

In general I think we should be relaxing notability guidelines so that
we can cover increasingly local knowledge, while improving our
browsing and review tools -- so people can both visually perceive the
spectrum of notability (from hyperlocal to epochally historic) and
more effectively review topics that have coverage in more local and
less globally-reputable sources.

Small wikis don't need to worry about the side effects of having a
large database with limited tools to review it.


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