[Foundation-l] Image filter

Neil Babbage neil at thebabbages.com
Fri Mar 9 14:06:59 UTC 2012

And it misses the point that the purpose of providing knowledge is for it to be used. Wikimedia projects will be unavailable to those who would benefit from them if they continue to provide content that is unsuitable or unwanted with no mechanism for the consumer to control it. 

If you ran a charity store committed to providing educational products free to all who needed them you wouldn't get many children as customers if you put hardcore sex products right by the entrance. You also wouldn't manage to give anything away if nobody could find what they wanted

Wikimedia is not supposed to be some kind of exercise in perfection for perfection's sake. It's supposed to be open, accessible and useful. 

Neil / QuiteUnusual at Wikibooks

-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan <nawrich at gmail.com>
Sender: foundation-l-bounces at lists.wikimedia.org
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 08:50:57 
To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List<foundation-l at lists.wikimedia.org>
Reply-To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List <foundation-l at lists.wikimedia.org>
Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] Image filter

On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 5:30 AM, Thomas Morton
<morton.thomas at googlemail.com>wrote:

> >
> > Give as a clear message, that Wikipedia/Wikimedia will never assist in
> > hiding knowledge.
> >
> The day that Wiki*edia changes its mission from providing access to free
> knowledge to "enforcing our view of knowledge on you", would be a saddening
> day.
> Tom

It does that already, in a lot of ways. As catholic as it attempts to be,
the "knowledge paradigm" that Wikimedia represents is only a small sliver
of the sum of knowledge in the world. That's just one way in which it
enforces its view of knowledge; acceding to or refusing to filter content
in any way is also enforcing a particular view of both knowledge and the
world. It would do both sides well to approach this argument with a little
less arrogance and self-righteousness.

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