[Wikimedia-l] SOPA, threat or menace (was Russian Wikipedia goes on strike)

Anthony wikimail at inbox.org
Wed Jul 11 13:56:48 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 9:18 AM, Seth Finkelstein <sethf at sethf.com> wrote:
> But the whole post gave me an impression of a good lawyer attempting
> to reconcile the imperative of being a zealous advocate for the
> interests of a client, while still remaining intellectually honest.

Well, it also has to be read keeping in mind that it would be
borderline malpractice for him to have stated "if SOPA passes then
Wikipedia will be in violation of the law and forced to shut down" -
just in case SOPA actually did pass, forcing WMF to argue the exact

Due to this difficult position, I was surprised that he wrote anything
public about it at all.

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