[Wikimedia-l] Wikipedia redefined -- typography and UX and such

Ziko van Dijk vandijk at wmnederland.nl
Fri Aug 17 12:06:44 UTC 2012

Indeed Denny, making those changes is very difficult, and we are
facing a number of these challenges.
You know what? Given the importance of a good user interface (and
other things), I could even imagine that the WMFbuilds up a new
Wikipedia site and watches where the majority of people want to
contribute. If that would result in a permanent fork, between a modern
user interface Wikipedia and the one we have now... well, depending on
some factors, I might find it worth the progress.
Kind regards

2012/8/17 Denny Vrandečić <denny.vrandecic at wikimedia.de>:
> <rant>
> If WMF had a Steve Jobs on staff, everyone would hate him for making
> decisions without properly consulting the community, for destroying
> the community, for reinventing Wikimedia again, for making unpopular
> decisions, for making decisions behind close doors, for being an
> egomaniac, etc.
> Heck, we cannot even get the branding right. We call our project
> Wikimedia Commons, Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikinews... we have a
> software called MediaWiki, and the whole movement is called the
> Wikimedia Movement. No surprise people think Wikileaks is one of ours.
> No surprise people cannot get these words right. There have been
> several suggestions for improving the branding, but every time met
> with strong resistance.
> I think Athena is a much more though-out design step for Wikipedia,
> and I am very much looking forward to it to happen. But as long as
> there is considerable backlash for something like a move from Monobook
> to Vector -- which, it seems, is not even regarded as a design update
> by most critics here -- I am wary about the social costs involved in
> such an update.
> </rant>
> Yes, it would be nice if it was easier to change Wikipedia.
> Cheers,
> Denny
> 2012/8/17 Nathan <nawrich at gmail.com>:
>> Never having been to design school like Amir, I can't comment on what grade
>> it might get. But I do like it a lot; I think it's a serious improvement
>> over what we use now, and incorporates design principles that we should
>> adopt even if we don't take the design itself. The visual elements, the
>> better branding and identification of sister projects, and the modern feel
>> / look are all elements that can be adapted.
>> I'd love to see more of these complete redesign proposals with a
>> professional feel. The current "2012 main page redesign" proposals are
>> almost uniformly amateurish, and many make only the most minimal
>> adjustments. More importantly, they are aimed only at the main page - what
>> needs to be updated is really the entire thing. 10 years on and the editing
>> interface is still shit, and the design is still aimed at satisfying lowest
>> common denominator concerns. Time for a new approach, if only Wikimedia had
>> a Steve Jobs on staff.
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