[Wikimedia-l] Harvard University: Drop paywalled journals, publish open access

emijrp emijrp at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 08:11:32 UTC 2012

2012/4/24 David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com>

> Tangential, but highly relevant to the goal of free content:
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2012/apr/24/harvard-university-journal-publishers-prices
> "Exasperated by rising subscription costs charged by academic
> publishers, Harvard University has encouraged its faculty members to
> make their research freely available through open access journals and
> to resign from publications that keep articles behind paywalls."
> http://isites.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k77982&tabgroupid=icb.tabgroup143448
> "The Library has never received anything close to full reimbursement
> for these expenditures from overhead collected by the University on
> grant and research funds. The Faculty Advisory Council to the Library,
> representing university faculty in all schools and in consultation
> with the Harvard Library leadership,  reached this conclusion: major
> periodical subscriptions, especially to electronic journals published
> by historically key providers, cannot be sustained: continuing these
> subscriptions on their current footing is financially untenable. Doing
> so would seriously erode collection efforts in many other areas,
> already compromised."
Meanwhile in Wikipedia we accept these "gifts"[1] to put links to paywall

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:HighBeam

Emilio J. Rodríguez-Posada. E-mail: emijrp AT gmail DOT com
Pre-doctoral student at the University of Cádiz (Spain)
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Personal website: https://sites.google.com/site/emijrp/

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