[Foundation-l] Image filter

Tobias Oelgarte tobias.oelgarte at googlemail.com
Sat Sep 24 22:33:55 UTC 2011

Am 25.09.2011 00:15, schrieb ????:
> On 24/09/2011 22:46, David Gerard wrote:
>> On 24 September 2011 22:40, ????<wiki-list at phizz.demon.co.uk>   wrote:
>>> The last I heard the German people, as expressed through their
>>> lawmakers, DO NOT want their kids looking at porn or images that are
>>> excessively violent. They go so far as periodically getting Google to
>>> filter the search results for Germans.
>> Analogously, tell me about your personal endorsement of the Digital
>> Economy Act and justify each provision.
> Last I heard in the real world Germans did not want their kids looking a
> images of porn or excessive violence online. That sites that were
> targeted at Germans required age filters, that Google was frequently
> asked to remove pages from theor index, and that ISPs were instructed to
> disallow access to such sites.
> Under such circumstances the opinions of 300 self selecting Germans is
> unlikely to be indicative of German opinion.
Please provide some valid, notable sources for such claims. Otherwise i 
find it hard to believe.

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