[Foundation-l] Image filter

???? wiki-list at phizz.demon.co.uk
Sat Sep 24 22:15:05 UTC 2011

On 24/09/2011 22:46, David Gerard wrote:
> On 24 September 2011 22:40, ????<wiki-list at phizz.demon.co.uk>  wrote:
>> The last I heard the German people, as expressed through their
>> lawmakers, DO NOT want their kids looking at porn or images that are
>> excessively violent. They go so far as periodically getting Google to
>> filter the search results for Germans.
> Analogously, tell me about your personal endorsement of the Digital
> Economy Act and justify each provision.

Last I heard in the real world Germans did not want their kids looking a 
images of porn or excessive violence online. That sites that were 
targeted at Germans required age filters, that Google was frequently 
asked to remove pages from theor index, and that ISPs were instructed to 
disallow access to such sites.

Under such circumstances the opinions of 300 self selecting Germans is 
unlikely to be indicative of German opinion.

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