[Foundation-l] board meeting minutes: Aug 3 2011

phoebe ayers phoebe.wiki at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 17:27:39 UTC 2011

FYI: the minutes from the August 3rd, 2011 Board meeting in Haifa (the
Wikimania meeting) are now posted:

Phoebe Ayers

p.s. Digression on minutes:
Since I recently had to learn the process by which board minutes are
written and approved, I thought I would share it with you all --
possibly of interest to long-time foundation watchers :)

1. both the executive assistant to the board & the board secretary
take notes during the meeting; the executive assistant makes sure that
no important items are lost and their presence as recorder allows the
board secretary to fully participate in the meeting. [in this case
additionally since it was a transition meeting both SJ and I took
notes and shared with each other].
2. notes are typed up in minute form by the the executive assistant,
who then gives the document to the board secretary, who then reviews
and edits, and then shares the minutes with the board. This process
may take some time (e.g. after Wikimania when everyone is traveling or
participating in the conference afterwards).
3. the minutes are voted on as a regular resolution; this means a week
for the full board to discuss/edit onwiki if there are any typos or if
the minutes don't reflect the meeting accurately. After finalization
there is then a two-week period to vote to approve (in practice the
voting period for minutes is generally shortened to a week);
occasionally minutes may get approved by a vote at the next meeting.
4. after approval, the board secretary posts the minutes to the
foundation wiki, as the copy of record for the
community/board/auditors etc.

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