[Foundation-l] Outdated manual

MZMcBride z at mzmcbride.com
Sun Apr 10 23:08:11 UTC 2011

Theo10011 wrote:
> I don't think Sue said "Wikipedia is the fifth most visited website". Its
> 'Wikimedia Foundation sites' in comScore data.

I don't think you did your homework.

>From <http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Template:2010/SueLetterC/en>:
> We are the number five website in the world, with more than 400 million
> readers per month.

That was a personal appeal from Sue.

If you search wikimediafoundation.org for references to "fifth most", you'll
find plenty of results from Sue, Jimmy, Veronique, Erik, and others calling
Wikipedia the fifth most visited site in the world (it's in the general FAQ,
the Annual Plan FAQ, a recent press release, and in several job openings
postings that I can see off-hand).

What was your point again?


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