[Foundation-l] Outdated manual

Theo10011 de10011 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 21:53:15 UTC 2011

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 3:50 AM, MZMcBride <z at mzmcbride.com> wrote:

> Sue Gardner wrote:
> > On 9 April 2011 01:14, Milos Rancic <millosh at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> May someone update manual in which it is written that Wikipedia is the
> >> fifth site by traffic? For the most of 2010 and whole 2011 it has varied
> >> between 6th and 8th place [1].
> >>
> >> Repeating that it's on the 5th place says about us one or both of the
> >> next two things:
> >>
> >> * We are out of reality.
> >> * We are using false information in our PR.

Milos, It might also mean that the information being referred to, hasn't
been updated. The Wikipedia entry on Wikipedia had the same issue a while
ago when some of the stats were not up to date by a huge margin. The current
Wikipedia entry on English wikipedia quotes stats and the date it was taken
on, both are correct. It doesn't have to mean either of those two things.

> >
> > The top five websites as measured by comScore global unique visitors,
> > the industry standard for internet audience measurement, are: Google,
> > Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, Wikimedia. That's February 2011 data, the
> > most recent available.
> As far as I understand this, that would mean that saying "Wikipedia is the
> fifth most visited website" is still completely wrong, as the comScore data
> is an aggregate of the various Wikimedia wikis. As the Director of
> Wikipedia, I would think this would be rather obvious to you. ;-)

I don't think Sue said "Wikipedia is the fifth most visited website". Its
'Wikimedia Foundation sites' in comScore data.


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