[Foundation-l] Usability Study Round Two

Parul Vora pvora at wikimedia.org
Wed Nov 18 23:47:58 UTC 2009

Hi all!

The Wikipedia Usability Initiative conducted an evaluative study of our 
progress thus far in mid-October.  Highlights are posted to the blog 
here: http://blog.wikimedia.org/2009/11/18/ux-usability-study-take-two/ 
  and if you really want the skinny, the full report is here: 
full videos (all 8 hours of the lab interview action) are forthcoming.

Great quotes:
"It was easy, I wouldn't have thought it would be that easy"
"Websites don't have common sense, but programmers do!"
"I feel more empowered now."

And things we've heard before (though this time around, at least they 
were more contained to tools and features we haven't changed yet):
"This is where I'd give up"
"That's a lot of html that makes my eyes dance all over the screen"
"I don't know what that means, but maybe it will tell me"  (it didn't)

We'd love to hear any thoughts, comments, and feedback you have!

Sense and Simplicity,
Parul + the Usability Initiative Team

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