[Foundation-l] An technical idea on spreading and improving Chinese Wikipedia

Andrew Gray andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk
Fri Feb 20 12:28:27 UTC 2009

2009/2/20 Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton at gmail.com>:

re/ the earlier comments, remember that we don't have to invent
keyword identification from scratch. There's quite a bit of stuff out
there already - I've seen a tool for writing blog posts, for example,
which automatically adds in "contextual" Wikipedia links to the end of
the text - which reduces the amount of work needed on the obvious
problems of linking irrelevant words etc.

> Link suggestion is much easier - perhaps we could write a plugin that
> suggests possible words to link to Wikipedia and the author can choose
> which ones are appropriate.

Or, even simpler (for the user), a plugin where the author selects a
word or phrase and the system generates a Wikipedia link for it.
Should be relatively effective for nouns and names, at least...

- Andrew Gray
  andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk

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