[Foundation-l] Omidyar Network Commits $2 Million Grant to Wikimedia Foundation

Jan-Bart de Vreede janbart at wikimedia.org
Tue Aug 25 20:57:48 UTC 2009

Hi All,

Little note from Argentina. Both Jay and most members of the board  
have been wrapped up in a two hour press conference for Wikimania 2009  
over here. It does come down to a timing issue. I expect Michael will  
post on Foundation-l about this in the next hour or so.  Also as  
announced earlier today Jay will post a Q&A on some of this material  
later today.

Please don't let the human timing issue influence your thinking on  
this issue, and hold on a little while longer until the Q&A has been  
posted, as it will probably answer most of your questions. Short  
summary from where I am sitting: I am very grateful that Omidyar is  
willing to offer us not only a large grant but is also willing to  
donate advice and expertise to us on how to reach out strategic goals.

As you may recall: the next year will be crucial for us as an  
organization in determining our long term strategy. But that process  
is shaped by YOU. The tremendous strategy project (details at http://strategy.wikimedia.org 
  ) started a month ago is making good first steps. The Board of  
Trustees does not own any of the Wikimedia projects, you do.  
Participate on the strategy wiki (and encourage others to do so) to  
help determine the future direction of our organization, you will  
probably have more impace than any single board member ever will...

Jan-Bart de Vreede
Vice Chair Wikimedia Board of Trustees

On 25 aug 2009, at 17:41, Gregory Maxwell wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 4:12 PM, Nathan<nawrich at gmail.com> wrote:
>> One thing I'm curious about... Why did this announcement come from  
>> Greg?
> I simply saw it on PRNewswire and figured folks here would  
> appreciate seeing it.
> I have no clue why it wasn't already posted here but the coordination
> of press-releases can be a tricky thing especially when most of the
> staff and the board is in Buenos Aires. Do they do siesta in
> Argentina? :)
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