[Foundation-l] New board members and officers

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 19:14:30 UTC 2009

2009/8/25 Gregory Kohs <thekohser at gmail.com>:
> This sounds rather familiar. Let's see... When was the last time that the
> Wikimedia Foundation might have been caught red-handed, putting itself into
> a situation that favored Wikia in a financial manner, using tax-advantaged
> funds, in a way that was not entirely open to public scrutiny, but was then
> poo-poohed as insignificant and trivial by those who trust implicitly that
> Wikia and the Wikimedia Foundation are "entirely separate" and that there
> couldn't POSSIBLY be any appearances of self-dealing?
> http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/foundation-l/2009-January/049340.html
> Oh, yeah, that's it.
> How are you feeling about this, now, Mr. Dalton, given that the evidence
> just seems to keep piling up?

I don't see any evidence of bad faith. I see evidence of people doing
deals with those they know well in a manner that is commonplace in
business without realising that it isn't appropriate for a charity.

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