[Foundation-l] New board members and officers

Gregory Kohs thekohser at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 19:00:53 UTC 2009

2009/8/25 geni <geniice at gmail.com
>* Omidyar Network? They were involved with a 4 million funding round for
*>* wikia back in 2006 no?
*>* http://web.archive.org/web/20060422054638/http://www.americanventuremagazine.com/news.php?newsid=941
*>* Appointing yet another person with wikia links looks kinda dicey no?
*" Thomas Dalton*
    thomas.dalton at gmail.com
    *Tue Aug 25 17:48:53 UTC 2009*

I have to agree. I'm sure everyone involved is acting with the best of
intentions and that any conflicts of interest will be dealt with
appropriately, but it doesn't look good. It is really important to
consider the PR impact of decisions like this. "

This sounds rather familiar. Let's see... When was the last time that the
Wikimedia Foundation might have been caught red-handed, putting itself into
a situation that favored Wikia in a financial manner, using tax-advantaged
funds, in a way that was not entirely open to public scrutiny, but was then
poo-poohed as insignificant and trivial by those who trust implicitly that
Wikia and the Wikimedia Foundation are "entirely separate" and that there
couldn't POSSIBLY be any appearances of self-dealing?


Oh, yeah, that's it.

How are you feeling about this, now, Mr. Dalton, given that the evidence
just seems to keep piling up?

Gregory Kohs

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