[Foundation-l] Raw data of 2009 Board election ballots

Chad innocentkiller at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 18:55:14 UTC 2009

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Gregory Kohs<thekohser at gmail.com> wrote:
> " The data of the Wikivoices interviews were never lost. It was not given to
> Gregory on his request. It will be either published publicly or not
> published at all. This has been said before and it is now said again.
> Thanks,
>       GerardM "
> Gerard, do you know the reason why the recording would be "not published at
> all"?  What is the fear of posting the raw audio file?
> What is being hidden?  Which person or persons are in possession of the raw
> audio file?
> I said a few things that brought the Foundation into a light of disrepute.
> Is that the problem?  With no other data or logic to support any theory
> here, I have to only assume that the Foundation is involved in this
> suppression of the recording.  I do note that nobody OFFICIALLY from the
> Foundation board or staff has publicly assured us that no board or staff
> member has acted to suppress publication of Episode # 45.
> At least when Jimmy Wales was accused by Danny Wool of some questionable
> Muscovite receipts, Sue Gardner got on CNET video news to assure us that
> "Jimmy has never done anything wrong."  We have no similar assurances
> regarding Wikivoices Episode # 45.  All we have are the e-mails which I hold
> that support a strong degree of fishy business going on behind the scenes.
> This hasn't been said before, but I'll be happy to say it again, if
> repetition will help it sink into any particularly thick skulls.
> Greg
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I'm pretty sure the reason it hasn't been released has nothing to do with malice
or officially suppressing the record. I think it has more to do with
laziness (or lack
of time) on part of those who do possess the recording. Unprofessional? Sure.
Would I want them to handle an election debate again? Nope. Do I think they're
purposefully suppressing release of this? Probably not.


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