[Foundation-l] Raw data of 2009 Board election ballots

Gregory Kohs thekohser at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 18:50:28 UTC 2009

" The data of the Wikivoices interviews were never lost. It was not given to
Gregory on his request. It will be either published publicly or not
published at all. This has been said before and it is now said again.
       GerardM "

Gerard, do you know the reason why the recording would be "not published at
all"?  What is the fear of posting the raw audio file?

What is being hidden?  Which person or persons are in possession of the raw
audio file?

I said a few things that brought the Foundation into a light of disrepute.
Is that the problem?  With no other data or logic to support any theory
here, I have to only assume that the Foundation is involved in this
suppression of the recording.  I do note that nobody OFFICIALLY from the
Foundation board or staff has publicly assured us that no board or staff
member has acted to suppress publication of Episode # 45.

At least when Jimmy Wales was accused by Danny Wool of some questionable
Muscovite receipts, Sue Gardner got on CNET video news to assure us that
"Jimmy has never done anything wrong."  We have no similar assurances
regarding Wikivoices Episode # 45.  All we have are the e-mails which I hold
that support a strong degree of fishy business going on behind the scenes.
This hasn't been said before, but I'll be happy to say it again, if
repetition will help it sink into any particularly thick skulls.


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