[Foundation-l] Old newspapers going to destruction

Kwan Ting Chan ktc at ktchan.info
Tue Sep 30 04:42:25 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-09-30 at 06:30 +0200, John at Darkstar wrote:
> It is not that people, and researchers, don't want access to the
> newspapers, they are not allowed to access them. Even a doctorand that
> wanted to get access to them to do a study on some of the letters
> written by Henrik Ibsen was refused to get access, because as they said,
> "the newspapers are in the store".
> Due to restructuring of the norwegian military a lot of space are freed
> up in the old military compounds. It seems rather special that there are
> a lot of state-owned storage space nearby and at the same time the
> university claims they don't have enough storage area.
> John

"We are storing these resources so we can deny people access to it in
the future..."

Experience is a good school but the fees are high.
  - Heinrich Heine
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