[Foundation-l] Community draft of language proposal policy

Milos Rancic millosh at gmail.com
Fri Sep 5 19:37:34 UTC 2008

This part:

> (Unlike an ISO politician, which would
> ask, firstly, their private interests, then their national interests,
> and after them, some old academic who would say something about, let's
> say, dialects gathered in the 19th century which describes the
> situation from the 18th one.)

should go after:

> When someone from IEEE wants to see what is a language, I am sure that
> in 99% that person goes to Wikipedia :) So, I am sure that we have
> enough of influence on IEEE and its auxiliary bodies :)

not after:

> Actually, I said that your (singular) arguments are inconsistent; I
> didn't say that your (plural) positions are. It is reasonable to
> expect that your positions may be changed, while I am not so convinced
> in change of your arguments ;)

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