[Foundation-l] Wikipedia songs

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Wed Jan 30 22:37:23 UTC 2008

David Gerard wrote:
> On 30/01/2008, Casey Brown <cbrown1023.ml at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Jan 29, 2008 8:33 PM, Aphaia <aphaia at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Jan 30, 2008 5:51 AM, Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> It's an automated phone system, what is this "point" of which you speak?
>>> I think I gave the answer on this thread already.
>>> Unless the menu itself is multilingual, only English speaking people
>>> can be benefited. Other people can even not select their favorite item
>>> from this menu. And since they understand those messages in English,
>>> they don't need other language ultimately (or can be toralent with it)
>>> When a corporate makes their telephone automessages multilingual, they
>>> first make their selection menu multilingual. Unless we are going to
>>> this direction, I think, this is just a killing-time.
>> Yes, especially because we do not have people who speak all of those
>> languages answering the phones. :-(  Only English, most likely.
> "For English, press 12479.
> For any other language, please hold as we put you through to Aphaia."
Perhaps they could be connected to a random number generator that would 
decide the language of the message, the order in which the languages are 
mentioned, and the applicable number connected with each language. ;-)


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