[Foundation-l] A simple question on languages.

Nathan nawrich at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 21:47:30 UTC 2008

It could be useful in any number of ways, but not I think as a tool
for determining which languages Wikimedia supports. Objective criteria
regarding the language is the first step - ISO identification. Active
community is the second step, and the crucial issue is the size and
activity of the 'active community.' A small volunteer base and a small
readership means that it is more likely that content will harm our
goal than help it. Content of low quality and accuracy helps no one
and potentially hurts many people and the reputation of the


On Jan 24, 2008 4:27 PM, cohesion <cohesion at sleepyhead.org> wrote:

> I don't know if that's entirely true. I mean, it's nice if volunteers
> can translate everything. But it's certainly conceivable that the
> Foundation might want to issue press releases or statements or
> something in these N languages regardless of volunteer support, even
> if that means paying for an occasional translation.
> The answer to this question would conceivably be very useful, I don't
> see any reason to discourage people from finding it.
> Judson
> [[:en:User:Cohesion]]
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